Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The College Experience Essays - Startup Cult, DraftCarson Hill
The College Experience In High School, school appeared to be the most alarming thing that I could consider. At whatever point I pondered it my stomach would promptly start to turn around and around. In spite of the fact that I was all set off and be without anyone else and meet new individuals I was terrified to death simultaneously. I didnt think a lot about the school understanding and what I knew (or thought I knew) frightened me. I imagined hard classes that I wouldnt have the option to stay aware of, individuals that wouldnt like me, long climbs to get to my classes, and shocking food. I couldnt envision leaving the security of my own room, my own stuff where I need it, my companions that Ive went through essentially my entire time on earth with, my family who set up with all my little characteristics, and my vehicle!! What was I going to manage without my valuable vehicle? A portion of my companions that had just been to school and had returned to visit appeared to be so a lot more established and pr ogressively develop. I felt twelve years of age in examination. I believed that I could always be unable to fit in. Every other person that I conversed with didnt anyway appear to have this issue. They all were excited at the idea of being all alone and not agonizing over their folks instructing them constantly. What's more, certain, the idea was very energizing to me too, yet how might I get by without my loved ones and the things that had taken me eighteen years to become accustomed to. I wanted to set off for college was practically taking everything that I knew and had become used to and hurling it noticeable all around. The most exceedingly terrible part about everything was that I had a feeling that I was the one in particular that really pondered this. I felt so juvenile and adolescent for really being terrified to come to school. After I thought I wouldnt have the option to take the weights any longer, I chose to move toward my mother about the subject. I disclosed to her th at I was somewhat frightened and the idea of being on my own made me somewhat uncomfortable. Darling she stated, I know its a little hard at this moment and things are a touch of befuddling and overpowering yet it will get simpler. Youll get the opportunity to class and marvel how you at any point got along living here and going to secondary school. What's more, when you get somewhat apprehensive and think its an excessive amount of simply make sure to stick it out and you can generally get back home. Conversing with her certainly set me feeling better about the manner in which I was feeling yet I still couldnt shake the anxiety that I got when I pondered the classes that I was taking and the colossal measures of schoolwork that I would need to persevere. As time passed by I started to not ponder going to class and I simply needed to appreciate the time that I had left with my recognizable companions. The late spring before I came to class was likely the best time marry ever had. We thought back about our lives growing up and all the pleasant that we had throughout the years. We as a whole realized that come September things could never be the equivalent again and we needed to benefit as much as possible from it while we despite everything could. As the finish of August moved around we realized that the time had come to bid farewell and be en route to our own autonomy. I got together the recollections of the most recent eighteen years of my life into around five bags and was all set. I still didnt feel like I was similarly as developed as my more established school companions and I felt that I despite everything seemed as though I was twelve years of age however I figured I needed to go at some point. We at long last made it to the residences and started dumping my garments and the 8,000,000 sacks of food that my mother had pressed me. In spite of the fact that I wasnt too stressed over my new flat mate seeing as how she was a companion from home and
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Otherworldly arrangement can start to create in small kids may at present be shaping, or sibyl diminishing, all through mature age. Numerous events in life can prompt the improvement of otherworldly arrangement, while there are additionally times that negative beneficial encounters can diminish one's affirmation in the Lord. Numerous things, even not comprehending what to do to recover that flash with the Lord, can cause hitting an obstruction of one's otherworldly excursion. Be that as it may, in the Bible the Lord demonstrates numerous approaches to remain on target and continue developing in Him.The advancement of Spiritual arrangement and development all through the life expectancy is fulfilling, serene and the majority of all, what the Lord needs everybody to encounter. Otherworldly arrangement happens all through the life expectancy, beginning at an exceptionally youthful age and can proceed through mature age. How far one is happy to go to be framed profoundly is up to them. T here are numerous obstructions in life that may keep one from developing profoundly; nonetheless, there are likewise numerous events in life that further otherworldly formation.One of the most significant things that somebody can involvement with life is otherworldly arrangement, and there are numerous ways that it might occur. Otherworldly development is â€Å"the procedure of profound forming and growth†(MacArthur, 2012). Kids can tart being shaped profoundly at an early age. Going to Sunday school, having a parent perused Bible stories or sing Bible tunes with them, and catching wind of the powerful works of God would all be able to aid a kid's otherworldly development. Help is vital for a kid to start their profound excursion. Since the beginning, kids have noteworthy learning and interpretative capacities†(Scott, 2004) which makes them very open to taking in what they see and hear. (In her diary article, Faith Formation Across the Generations, Marietta Martinets clarifies, ‘†We are not framed or designed into a people n isolation†(Martinets, 2007). We need help with taking the otherworldly excursion. A youngster can't start to know God if the Word is never acquainted with them. Youngsters develop in their comprehension of apprenticeship as they tune in to their folks or different grown-ups talk about the difficulties of being an individual of justice†(Martinets, 2007). At the point when a youngster is associated with chapel at an early age, journals are instituted through connections and furthermore through instructing (Merchantable, Kaiser, and Larson, 2014). These recollections â€Å"will shape confidence development and attract the youngster closer to Jesus Christ (Merchantable, Kaiser, and Larson, 2014). Profound arrangement begins here. James Fowler presented the hypothesis on the 6 phases of faith.In his hypothesis he clarifies the excursion, through the life expectancy, of profound development. It is a sign ificant hypothesis to comprehend with regards to profound development over the life expectancy. He presents stage one as a creative stage, typically from ages 2-7, where convictions are shaped and the kid is effortlessly convinced. Negative lessons during this stage could be harming to a kid's brain and could hurt their otherworldly excursion. The second stage in Fowlers hypothesis is hen a youngster begins to see all the more unmistakably the genuine significance behind the teachings.The fantasy like convictions begin to turn out to be increasingly reasonable and they are traded for more life like circumstances. The significance behind good and bad begins to be comprehended and a result and prize framework is found out. Development from this Stage may happen when impediments are tossed in the manners that require thought and reflection on the genuine importance of Faith. Stage 3 is referenced to occur around pubescence, however, numerous grown-ups end up in this stage too. Convicti ons are shaped from persuasive figures squeeze evangelists, networks and the Government.This stage is known as the engineered, regular stage, because of the way that one's convictions may not be genuinely contemplated and they might be simply going with the group. At the point when one begins to understand a contention between their own convictions and that of the force source, they may advance to organize 4. This stage is a progressively practical stage, where an individual may start to consider their past conduct and truly comprehend the genuine importance of the Word. It is said this is perhaps the hardest stage to conform to. This stage requires slithering out and about ND making a stage towards God.The authority figures don't have as much state so for one in this stage, as they start to frame their own convictions. Stage 5 is a stage above making sense of it for yourself, and proceeds onward to transparently speaking with others of a similar Faith in order to figure out answers and getting better comprehension of the Word. Somebody in this stage is a significant figure in mankind, as they have a great deal of shrewdness to spread. In stage 6, which is viewed as universalistic confidence, one may forfeit their whole self to serving God. Fowler clarifies that relatively few arrive at this tag. Johnston, 2009) As a youngster grows up into a youthful grown-up, it is conceivable that their otherworldly arrangement is developing and they are getting nearer to God. Fowler clarifies, â€Å"As individuals age, in addition to the fact that they show increasingly strict duty, however researchers have likewise demonstrated that the idea of their confidence changes†(as refered to in Eagle, 2008). The upgrade of one's otherworldliness can be gotten by doing numerous things. Grown-ups appear to glance to confidence in assisting with managing a significant infection, to control intense subject matters, to discover security, and to ease stresses in regards to dest ruction (Eagle, 2008).It is during these occasions that one may turn out to be nearer to God and improve their profound development. Networks, houses of worship, and powerful figures might be reached and depended on during unpleasant occasions, making it significant that one go to the opportune individual for guidance or heading during a genuine time, with the goal that they might be lead in the most Godly way. Confidence can be improved, however it additionally can be debilitated. â€Å"Each new beneficial experience, individual or something else, may possibly shake and challenge even the most grounded strict foundations†(Eagle, 2008).There has been examine guarding strict uncertainty and how it really may help manufacture one's confidence. Studies have brought up that when somebody hits an obstruction of life, it could wind up making their confidence more grounded. There will be a period of uncertainty, obviously, when disillusionment, sadness, and discouragement may happe n and during that time one's confidence may debilitate. It might be at these occasions when one's otherworldly arrangement stops. Be that as it may, â€Å"Religious questions and questionings are settled by adjustment to remedies as well as the desires for critical others†(Killing, Sorrel', Montgomery, and Colonel, 2006).In various terms, searching out guidance for goals is useful from ones that have seen crafted by God in their lives and are educated of the confidence, affirming one's own convictions through someone else's life trails and encounters. â€Å"Interestingly (and tragically), a few Christians decide to come back to a previous degree of otherworldly formation†(Cent, n. D. ). This may happen when a negative life occasion happens; nonetheless, one's confidence can generally be lifted back up. â€Å"V'/tit legitimate love and care from those Christians who share existence with them, most will become advancing Christians again†(loaned, n. . ). The Bib le advises about numerous approaches to remain on target with developing profoundly. For example, in Galatians God talks about what the â€Å"Fruit of the spirit†(Gal. 5:22-23 ESP.) truly is. This gives somebody a thought of what they can expect when they trust in the Lord and how awesome His adoration truly is in the event that it is searched out. The Bible additionally says â€Å"l can do everything through Him who reinforces me†(Phil. 4:13). This gives individuals trust that they can vanquish all while on their excursion through profound arrangement. That stanza is an extraordinary establishment for anybody. Subside talks about the exertion one should make to viably and ceremonially experience God's statement (2 Pet. 1:5-8). In that entry, one can perceive what the important abilities are to carry on with a Godly life. In Ephesians, God says, â€Å"we are to experience childhood all around into Him who is the head, into Christ†(Epees. 4:15-16). There are m any, a lot more sacred texts that can assist one with their otherworldly excursion. During times of uncertainty, sacred text can lead an individual the correct way and help upgrade their profound development and furthermore help them to comprehend what the Lord may need them to do in that season of doubt.Spiritual arrangement is something God needs everybody to accomplish. A life does not merit living without God in it. Everybody's excursion in developing profoundly will be extraordinary, some beginning at an early age in Sunday school, some beginning later in their grown-up life. Everybody will have their high points and low points with their profound development, some relapsing when circumstances become difficult and others getting more grounded during the tempest. God has given the individuals appropriate assets to be fruitful throughout everyday life and to have confidence in Him completely. Searching out the Lord and advancing in one's otherworldly arrangement is the thing that living is about.
Friday, August 7, 2020
Fitzpatrick, Thomas
Fitzpatrick, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Thomas, c.1799â€"1854, American trapper, fur trader, and guide, one of the greatest of the mountain men , b. Co. Cavan, Ireland. He emigrated early to the United States, and by 1823 he was engaged in St. Louis for a trading expedition of William Henry Ashley up the Missouri. Like others of the mountain men, he spent many of the succeeding years opening up the West. He went with Jedediah S. Smith into the Green River country through the South Pass in 1824. Fitzpatrick worked for the Ashley interests until Ashley withdrew (1826) from the trade; then he was a trader for Smith, Jackson, and Sublette until 1830, when the Rocky Mountain Fur Company was formed with Fitzpatrick as senior partner. After that company was dissolved (1834), Fitzpatrick became a guide. He piloted the John Bidwell party, the first emigrant train bound for California, as far as Fort Hall in 1841, and the next year he performed the same service for the first train to Oregon. He gained some celebri ty as guide to John C. Frémont on his second expedition and in 1846 was guide to Stephen W. Kearny on the march to Santa Fe. In Nov., 1846, he was appointed Indian agent for a large part of the present Colorado and was successful in negotiating treaties. See L. R. Hafen and W. J. Ghent, Broken Hand: The Life Story of Thomas Fitzpatrick (1931); B. De Voto, Across the Wide Missouri (1948). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ( Ocd ) - 1615 Words
Introduction Imagine if most of your day were spent thinking thoughts likeâ€â€Did I wash my hand properly? Will this food make me ill if I eat it? Did I lock the door?  and have to reassure yourself by washing your hand 80 or more times, not eating at all because you fear of getting food poisoning, and/or having to check the door to see if it is locked 50 or more times before going to bed. These type of thoughts and behaviors are seen as abnormal or crazy to most people who have not dealt with mental illness. However, for sufferers of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) these thoughts and behaviors persist throughout their daily lives. OCD is an illness that presents obsessive thoughts and repeating the compulsive behavior in order to repress an anxiety attack provoked by worries and fear brought on by the obsessive thoughts. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) describes OCD as a recurrent â€Å"obsessions, compulsions, or both, the severity of which is significant enough to cause distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning†(Townshed, 2014, pp. 469). What is OCD: In the book, Washed My Life Away the main character Ruth displays obvious signs and symptoms of someone who is suffering from OCD. The majority of OCD suffers fall under one categoryâ€â€a washer, checker, doubters sinner, counters arrangers, and hoarders. Unlike most suffers of OCD, Ruth Falls under two categories because she is a washerâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"one who is afraid ofShow MoreRelatedObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)1756 Words  | 8 Pages Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a disorder that can affect children and adults. In order to fully understand OCD, many different areas of the disorder must be reviewed. First, OCD will be defined and the diagnosis criteria will be discussed. Secondly the prevalence of the disorder will be considered. The different symptoms, behaviors and means of treatment are also important aspects that will be discussed in order to develop a clearer understanding of the implications of obsessive compulsiveRead MoreEssay on Obsessive Com pulsive Disorder (OCD)875 Words  | 4 Pagessevere Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder that triggers people to have unwanted fixations and to repeat certain activities again and again. Everyone has habits or certain ways of doing something with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder these habits severely interrupt the way they live their lives (Familydoctor.org Editorial Staff). About one in 40 people suffer from some form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (ABRAMOWITZ). Obsessive Compulsive Disorder oftenRead MoreLiving With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)1190 Words  | 5 Pagesdifferences between both symptoms and experiences of six different authors who have been personally affected by obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Since OCD is not very well understood by many members of the public (Escape), I hope that the experiences of the authors that I researched will be able to paint a vivid picture of what life with OCD is like. Obsessive-compulsive disorder involves a chemical imbalance in the brain. This chemical imbalance is thought to be the main reason for obsessionsRead MoreObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Essay2901 Words  | 12 Pages             Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, affects an average 1.7% of the population according to the Stanford University School of Medicine.  The recognition of this psychological disorder has grown in the recent years.  As the knowledge of this disorder becomes more prevalent, those suffering have become more willing to seek help (OCDA).             OCD is a condition â€Å"in which people experience repetitive and upsetting thoughts and/or behaviors†(OCDA).  While there are many variationRead MoreObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Essay800 Words  | 4 Pages Obsessive Compulsive Disorder And Its Effect On Life Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, involves anxious thoughts or rituals one feels and cant control. . For many years, OCD was thought to be rare. The actual number of people with OCD was hidden, because people would hide their problem to avoid embarrassment. Some recent studies show that as many as 3 million Americans ages 18 to 54 may have OCD at any one time. This is about 2.3% of the people in this age group. It strikes men and women inRead More Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Essays2616 Words  | 11 Pagesis a very powerful piece of structure; it is truly limitless when speaking about its potential. With a functional organ comes a dysfunctional possibility. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, (OCD), for instance, is nervousness in the mind. OCD is an anxiety disorder caused by repetitive intrusive thoughts and behaviors. It is a mental disorder marked by the involvement of a devotion to an idea or routine. Essentially, it is a false core belief which is believing that there is something wrong, causingRead MoreEssay on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)3370 Words  | 14 Pages Obsessive compulsive disorder is a disease that many people know of, but few people know about. Many people associate repeated washing of hands, or flicking of switches, and even cleanliness with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), however there are many more symptoms, and there are also explanations for those symptoms. In this paper, I will describe what obsessive compulsive disorder is, explain some of the effects of it, and explain why it happens. I will also attempt to prove that while medicationRead More Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Essay1758 Words  | 8 PagesOCD: Whats in Control? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder that is the fourth most common mental illness in the U.S. (8). OCD affects five million Americans, or one in five people (3). This is a serious mental disorder that causes people to think and act certain things repetitively in order to calm the anxiety produced by a certain fear. Unlike compulsive drinking or gambling, OCD compulsions do not give the person pleasure; rather, the rituals are performed to obtainRead MoreObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Essay examples1375 Words  | 6 PagesObsessive Compulsive Disorder â€Å"I know my hands are clean. I know that I have touched nothing dangerous. But†¦ I doubt my perception. Soon, if I do not wash, a mind numbing, searing anxiety will cripple me. A feeling of stickiness will begin to spread from the point of contamination and I will be lost in a place I do not want to go. So I wash until the feeling is gone, until the anxiety subsides. Then I feel defeated. So I do less and less, my world becomes smaller and smaller and more lonelyRead MoreEssay about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)474 Words  | 2 Pages Obsessive Compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental illness that effects nearly 5 million Americans, and half a million children. Its a disease that fills the brain with unwanted ideas, and worries. OCD is a diseases that effects the Cerebral frontal cortex. Unfortunately there is no cure for OCD. Obsessive compulsive disorder can start developing as early as age five. In most cases OCD controls your life. Through out the rest of this paper I hope to inform you on Obsessive compulsive Disorders
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Field of Child Welfare - 1896 Words
There are a number of scholars who have written works that have shaped and are in alignment with my own views for research in the field of child welfare. The most eminent, however, are Gary Mallon, Alma Carten, Harriet Goodman, and Manny Gonzalez, for the simple fact that these authors and researchers have fostered a number of crucial methodologies that ensure a salutary ending and beginning of a successful life for a child welfare program participant. I am determined to research how the criminal justice and foster-care systems create synergy and how both systems affect childrens ability to function as adults. I have chosen to focus on child welfare because after the immediate needs of both these systems are met the lasting effects mentally impacts families. The effects of a disenfranchised family can be crippling to a young child and examining where these systems fall short in child welfare deems to be my ultimate goal. Of the general bevy of work that Mallon has produced relating t o the ultimate success of child welfare programs, one of its most vital components is his research into the facilitation of junior life development skills. The ultimate goal of the foster-care system is to produces autonomous, independently functioning individuals who can successfully contribute to society despite the fact that they have lacked a number of traditional resources afforded to them by dysfunctional familial environments. The foster care system plays an integral role in helpingShow MoreRelatedSocial Worker And Child Welfare Social Field1611 Words  | 7 Pageslearn and think about social workers in the child welfare social field. As a prospective social worker, my questions were formed based thoughts that I was concerned about my responsibilities in the social work field.. Before going into further details, I first asked Ms. Katie to tell me about herself. She started sharing her experience with working in the child welfare for almost 16 years and how she she has enjoyed the experience. The field helped her gain more knowledge than what sheRead MoreThe Importance Of Child Welfare931 Words  | 4 PagesIn my opinion, child welfare is one of the most prevalent issues in social work today. Child welfare services were specifically designed to protect children from anything that could potentially harm them including: abuse, neglect, poverty and lack of resources among other things. No matter the circumstance, in child welfare the interest of the child is always the top priority. In certain situations, this could include removing the child from the home, but the preferred option is to help the familyRead MoreA Social Worker At Legacy Village Transitional Rehabilitation Center1702 Words  | 7 PagesMegan stated that she loves the population sh e works with and wants to continue working in the senior care industry. Megan is now the social services director at Legacy village. Legacy village is Megan’s second place of employment in the social work field since obtaining her degree. Megan has many responsibilities and tasks to complete as the social service director and case manager. It is Megan’s job to assess patient’s individual situations and ensure that they receive the necessary care and treatmentRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Work On Children And Family s Needs Assistance Essay1419 Words  | 6 PagesWorking in a field where both children and family’s needs assistance to stop abuse and negligence. Families in search of help during tough times and transitioning for a sophisticated life. In a world where children make 27% of the world population, they are considered the weakest of mankind and cannot protect themselves from adults who abuse them. The only way they can be protected is if they have an adult on their side to get them to places they have to be in orde r to be safe and succeed in lifeRead MoreThe Child Welfare System That Could Benefit From Technological Advancements1135 Words  | 5 PagesSOCIETAL CONCERNS There are so many aspects of the child welfare system that could benefit from technological advancements the societal concerns revolve around priorities. Between educational consistency, funding, caseloads, connectedness and training society needs to consider which aspect should be addressed first that will most significantly impact the best interests of the child. If case workers are tasked with providing additional services, this may increase turnover and decrease the qualityRead MoreField Placement Statement For Work972 Words  | 4 PagesMy field placement is employment base thorough The New York City Administration for Children’s Services (ACS). ACS is a governmental agency that â€Å"protects and promotes safety and well-being of New York City’s children and families by providing child welfare, juvenile justice, and early care and education services†(ACS - About, n.d.). The mission of the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) Division of Child Protection (DCP) is to protect all children who are being abused or neglectedRead MoreThe Social Work Field Work Performance1198 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction According to CNN Money the social work field is the one of Americas most overworked and underpaid professions. Essentially, they work hard and do more with very little resources. When the Great Recession occurred in 2007 the tax revenue declined. States have made spending cuts, drained reserves, and reduce necessary services. Majority of the programs targeted was that of much need social workers and nurses. Usually in lower income areas where families are affected the most. How can weRead MoreThe Social Work Policies1506 Words  | 6 Pages Social Work Policies Social Welfare Q 1 Income support policies in the United States Income support policies in the United States view the monetary aspect of individual and family well-being. Income support policies are categorized into two that is direct cash transfers and indirect cash transfers. Income support programs are aimed at reducing poverty levels and boosting the economic growth of United States. Major historical developments took place in the late 1950s. In 1958, social securityRead MoreChild Welfare Services Technology : An Area Of Much Needed Improvement1421 Words  | 6 Pages Child Welfare Services Technology INTRODUCTION Reform of child welfare services and their accessibility is an area of much needed improvement. Some of the many aspects of care that can be improved with advanced technological resources are referrals, intake, coverage, and placement. Case management, delivery of services, finance, organizational forms, education, and outcomes are also areas for enhancement. Due to a lack of consistency within states and state to state programs along withRead MoreImportance Of Generalist Approach In Social Work1743 Words  | 7 PagesApplying the Generalist Practice Approach to Social Work with Child Advocacy Centers The basic foundation of the generalist practice approach began in the early 1900s. By the 1960s, the generalist approach started evolving into the description of individuals who had the abilities to work at different practice levels ranging from individual to community (Schatz et al, 1990). In the mid-1970s, the core curriculum for the generalist practice social worker was generated. In 1987, Schatz and Jenkins
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Significance of Communication Skills Free Essays
Conversing and corresponding with people around is such a common activity that most of individuals are so preoccupied with their daily routine that they do not stop and ponder over the immense advantages that business enterprises can derive from mastering the art and science of communication. Following payoffs are only suggestive: (1) Communication is the life blood of an organization Organization cannot function without people interacting, conversing or corresponding with one another. We will write a custom essay sample on Significance of Communication Skills or any similar topic only for you Order Now All enterprises require human beings working for it or with it, to: Interact and react Make assumptions about future or forecast future events ï‚ · Plan or draw up a rough blueprint for the future Organize / design a format of how to get resources together to achieve the plan Staff or gather / recruit people and get them to desired locations Lead or direct people, and devise their jobs so as to adhere to the plan Exchange information, ideas, plans and proposals Measure and monitor Coordinate and control Communication has been described as the „glue‟ that holds the entire organization together as one entity. Without communication, managers / leaders are not able to influence the attitude and behaviour of people to achieve the common objectives. Internal communication Before the end of nineteenth century, businesses were small; they started growing in size from the beginning of twentieth century. Contemporary business enterprises are very large and have not only become multinational but also transnational in character. Besides, they have grown in complexity in terms of a wide array of products and services they deal in and the number of countries and continents they are operating in. Also, arising from liberalizing of many national economies, global competition has intensified and the rate of change in market place has accelerated. Market forces have also become very dynamic, almost verging on chaos. With business becoming very large in size, complex in nature and rapidly changing dynamics, enterprises must put in place effective internal communication so that every one can be kept informed of happenings within the large corporation. It is the only way managers / leaders can build understanding among people located in far off communities, countries and continents – stringing them together in to a beautiful necklace that everyone can be proud of. External communication As a business enterprise in the modern society, it has to interact, pro-act or react to happenings in other institutions viz. Government bodies, statutory / regulatory agencies, municipal authorities etc Distributors, dealers and retailers Customers, community and society at large Reputed organizations are concerned about their public image, goodwill and trust. In order to further reinforce their reputation, they participate in a number of activities: Public speeches by senior executives Tactful responses to comments and criticisms in the media Preparation and distribution of informative pamphlets about the firm Marketing communications or advertisement / publicity Production and dissemination of product catalogues, videos etc Because of their importance, these activities are centralized in the Public Relations and Corporate Communications department of large corporations. These activities have emerged as specialist skills of critical importance to the well being of the company. Successful messaging can: ï‚ · Eliminate unnecessary correspondence  Save time and expense Build favourable impression in public mind Enhance reputation and goodwill Help increase company profits and profitability Communication skills as vital job requirement Human beings are communicating all the time. Ability to express powerfully and influence the attitude and behaviour of people for giving better performance on their jobs, has emerged as a job skill of critical importance for managers / leaders at all levels of management. Thus all employees are expected to: 1 Write good correspondence 2 Be good in oral conversation 3 Develop and cultivate powerful body language 4 Be able to sell ideas and products effectively 5 Be very good in weaning away customers from competitor and retaining them It is now increasingly understood that even specialists like accountants, engineers, technicians etc should have good communication skills. In the present day knowledge society, competitive advantage of acquiring excellent communication skills cannot and perhaps need not be emphasized! Communication skills essential for promotion Communication skills have emerged as the most critical prerequisite for promotion to senior executive positions in the industry. Consequently, managers at lower rungs of organizations should also have good command over the spoken and written language of the business. As a general rule, managers should have the ability to make their communications heard, read or understood. Individuals who have had quick rise to senior level positions, attribute it to their being good in conversation and in articulating topical issues besides being very good in written communications – be it in writing persuasive letters or producing concise and compelling reports. Communication skills aid problem solving A person can become a good communicator only when he is a clear and systematic thinker. Acquiring effective communication skills adds to one‟s self esteem and confidence. This helps managers to be able to collect relevant information and get around people quickly that are essential prerequisites for any problem solving effort. Communication skills ignite enthusiasm If a person is able to articulate viewpoint of the group he belongs to, it enthuses him because he becomes the automatic choice as their representative. The person becomes more spirited and involved and his group activities increase manifolds. People rally around such persons more readily and they progress in to more important roles. Communication skills enhance motivation People who have good oral or written communication skills usually develop into very good listeners. Listening to others leads to added learning that influences their attitude and behaviour. It goes a long way in re-orienting their mindset towards work and enhancing their performance. Such persons become more aligned to firm‟s objectives and are motivated to accomplish them. Communication skills are advantageous in personal life As private citizens, individuals take part in a lot of activities like sports, club work, social work, community work etc. People also participate in other social, cultural and religious activities. If they are good communicators, they get noticed quickly and can be appointed or nominated to many such activity groups. Before long, they become well-known and prominent member of the community. (10) Communication skills hone leadership traits From the foregoing discussions, it is easy to understand that all leaders in business, industry or political arena, have notably better skills in communication. They are able to deliver informative and persuasive speeches to audience at large. They are able to draw up, compose and distribute most effective posters, banners and circulars. Thus effective communication skills propel them to positions of leadership. (11) Dividends from effective communication skills Communication skills have come to be recognized as integral part of one‟s upbringing and personality. His choice of words and phrases and their use is quite unique to him and can directly give clues to his personality. In the modern age of knowledge society when education, training and skills are being formally taught, communication skills have become of critical importance in every day life. It is said that it is no use having brilliant ideas if one cannot put them across properly, accurately and lucidly. Following illustration highlights the strategic importance of role and importance of communication skills: Effective Communications Enhance How to cite Significance of Communication Skills, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Speeches At Caesar free essay sample
# 8217 ; s Funeral Essay, Research Paper In William Shakespeare # 8217 ; s Julius Caesar, one of the most of import and important parts in the drama is the funeral address given by both Brutus and Mark Antony. At first, the funeral addresss seem to hold no true important significance. However in farther probe it is established that the addresss finally serve as the footing for the concluding result of the drama. By researching the addresss of both Brutus and Mark Antony we are able to concentrate on the of import inside informations which alter one from the other. Through this analysis we are besides able to recognize why Brutus # 8217 ; s address becomes one of his justifications and accounts, while Antony # 8217 ; s becomes one of use and accomplishment. It is known that both Brutus and Antony desired to appeal to the common people. However, the manner in which each adult male went about it differs drastically. We will write a custom essay sample on Speeches At Caesar or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Not merely did it act upon the result of the drama, but each address besides offers a alone penetration on each of the talkers. Brutus # 8217 ; s address becomes one of acquittal, non merely for the people of Rome, but for Brutus himself. He uses his # 8220 ; award and aristocracy # 8221 ; as a shield to support and warrant his actions to the crowd. Brutus states that he has carried out this awful act because of his love for Rome, and for the good of the people. ? This is my reply, non that I have loved Caesar less, but that I love Rome more # 8230 ; # 8221 ; ( 3.2.21-22 ) . In his address he requests that the people use their # 8220 ; ground # 8221 ; to judge him. Although this seduces the crowd, it is non until after one of the common people cry # 8220 ; Let him be Caesar. # 8221 ; ( 3.2.51 ) that it is realized the address is # 8220 ; simply excessively good for them. # 8221 ; Brutus begins to recognize that autonomy is non what the people wanted, but instead that they desire a powerful leader. Although his address serves the intent for its practical effectivity, Brutus subsequently comes to det ect that his deficiency of penetration of human nature aided in the evident hopelessness of his cause. In comparing Mark Antony to the full understands human nature and uses his consciousness of it in his address. Anthony entreaties to the passion and the heartache of the people. What Brutus failed to acknowledge in the people, Antony used to his best involvement. He realized that the people of Rome were wholly incapable of moving with â€Å"reason†and he employed this inability to pull strings and command their emotions and actions. By utilizing Brutus’ ain accounts for Caesar’s decease to get down his address, Antony proves his cogency to the crowd. By oppugning Caesar’s aspiration, yet neer really mortifying the plotters ; He succeeds in intentionally taking the crowd off from any rational defence provided by Brutus. Antony uses his ain heartache along with a series of prevarications to take the understanding of the people. Through his powerful and honest address he is able to project a shadow of uncertainty into the heads of the people, and the crowd begins to stare at the true motivation behind Caesar’s slaying. Antony understands the demands and wants of the p eople and uses this to feed upon their emotions and passions. He dangles Caesar’s Will in forepart of the people and so rapidly puts it off once more, cognizing that the crowd will demand that it be read. Antony besides recalls memories of the cloak Caesar now wears, while uncovering his bloodied organic structure, to the full cognizant of the mayhem it will smack, but unrelenting in his pursuit for retaliation. Although both of Caesar # 8217 ; s funeral addresss seem to function the basic intent of appealing to the people, their unsimilarity serves as a great significance. Brutus # 8217 ; address, which appeared to be, honest becomes a address of symmetrical construction, balanced sentences, ordered process, rhetorical inquiries and abstract capable affair, and finally became a address of arrant dishonesty. This along with Brutus # 8217 ; deficiency of human penetration aided in his inevitable ruin. Mark Antony # 8217 ; s speech on the other manus, for all its playing on passions and all its prevarications, proved to be at the underside a genuinely honorable address because of Antony # 8217 ; s unconditioned love for Caesar. To that extent Antony had truth on his side, doing him concrete and existent instead so abstract, and with this aided in his successful triumph.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
English 11 A Unit 1 Early American And Colonial Literature Lesson 8 Earliest Voices The Founding Fathers Flashcard
English 11 A Unit 1: Early American And Colonial Literature Lesson 8: Earliest Voices: The Founding Fathers
Thursday, March 5, 2020
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Contribute Comments to DailyWritingTips.com Contribute Comments to DailyWritingTips.com Contribute Comments to DailyWritingTips.com By Mark Nichol If you read the comments on this site, you know that DailyWritingTips.com is a collaborative enterprise: I post, and visitors correct me. But, seriously, visitors’ comments are a valuable part of the experience, and you are encouraged to weigh in with your experiences, opinions, and insights. My posts are based on my experience as a professional writer and editor and my research into grammar, usage, style, and other editorial issues. I also have an extensive background, and I’ve edited for several prominent publishers and other organizations, but such distinctions are not necessarily ironclad proofs of skill, and they don’t mean that I’m always right (or that I’ve explained something well). That is why we welcome visitors comments, and much of the information they provide is well written and well reasoned, and contributes significantly to a collaborative effort to enrich site visitors’ knowledge about writing. I respond as time permits, though I also welcome it when visitors respond to each others’ comments. In addition, several of my posts have resulted from visitors’ suggestions or questions. (I reply also to visitors who send notes directly to info@dailywritingtips.com, but I prefer that they share their thoughts with others in the comments section.) DailyWritingTips.com is a great online resource for people who care about written language to congregate and learn from each other. The most prolific commenters folks like ApK, Cecily, Deborah H, JK Brennan, Kathryn, Peter, Precise Edit, Rebecca, Roberta B., Sharon, Shirley, Stephen Thorn, and thebluebird11 as well as others, enable us all to develop our skills. Please add your name to the roster by sharing your thoughts with the rest of the DailyWritingTips.com community. (Note that email subscribers, in order to visit the site and leave their comments, must click on the title of the post they receive via email.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Types and Forms of Humor45 Synonyms for â€Å"Old†and â€Å"Old-Fashioned†Drama vs. Melodrama
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Joe Breen's Personal Propaganda Machine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Joe Breen's Personal Propaganda Machine - Essay Example in Espar). In 1934, Hays was joined by Joe Breen, a strict Catholic moralist, and assigned to run the Production Code Administration (PCA). Today's movie codes grew out of these early efforts to classify and render movies safe for children and general public consumption. But was this an effort to make our movie houses safe for women and children Or was there something more sinister than a few obscenities at work In fact, Hays cared little about keeping pornography away from children. His self-serving interest had been to keep the government away from the movies. His misguided attempts would backfire years later as the PCA would evolve into the center of cultural warfare. The Legion of Decency, headed by Breen, joined alliances with Hays, not to regulate morality, but to create an agency who's purpose was to control society, further their personal political ideals, and shape the mind of America. There is little room for controversy over the need to protect our children from the vast array of products and influences available today. There are good reasons why alcohol, tobacco, and pornography are well regulated by society and kept from the hands of children, and it is nothing new. Censorship has existed in every society since the Athenians arrested Socrates for "... corrupting the children and offending the Gods" (Riley 4). Yes, the world has censorship and censorship is here to stay. In fact, without the modern movie code system of PG, PG-13, and XXX that was spawned by the PCA, it would be impossible for responsible parents to adequately screen the volume of content available today. In spite of the problems within the PCA, the Codes have turned out to be a workable solution to a very complex problem. However, there is a wise old adage that says, "The good is found in the intentions, but the bad is in the unintended consequences". In the case of the PCA, it may be exactly t he opposite. The PCA may have resulted in good consequences, in spite of the worst of intentions. Peering 75 years into the past to measure the intentions of men long passed is not an easy task. Yet, we can examine the things they said and the things they did. We can read their quotes and read their writings. We can evaluate what was cut out, what was left in, and try to see if there is a common thread that runs throughout that might re-stitch the fabric of their thoughts. Putting this information in context with the cultural and social setting of the time, the depression, the looming war, bigotry, and racism can give us a glimpse inside the mind of the PCA. The original PCA codes were adopted from the Catholic Movie Code and were very specific as to what they deemed a transgression. In part they stated that a film could never "...lower the moral standards of those who see it. Hence the sympathy of the audience should never be thrown to the side of crime, wrong-doing, evil or sin"(Heins). What was considered wrong-doing, evil, and sin varied far and wide and was almost always at the mercy of Breen's interpretation. Semi nudity, lustful kissing, and sexual innuendo were all forbidden. Brutality, drinking, bathrooms, double beds, extra-marital affairs, and other transgressions of Catholic Doctrine have all fallen victim to the censor's ax at one time or another. Yet, the PCA went further to dictate that, "Government and
Monday, February 3, 2020
Case Study 4 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
4 - Case Study Example isorder – Observation of thin, tired-looking, fatigued, weight loss, poor appetite, muscle weakness, skin warm, dry, flat affect, provides little detail in answers, indecisive, has difficulty concentrating depressed mood or anhedonia (absence or pleasure) for at least 2 weeks. (Pg 53) sleep disturbance, weight loss, loss of appetite, loss of sexual interest (Pg 59-60), Patients with depression may display poor or lapsed hygiene. Pg 61 May cause a patient to be withdrawn (Pg 61), negative, slow, low-self-esteem Hypothesis 1: Major depressive disorder – genetics plays a vital role, results from abnormalities between brain hormones and neurotransmitters i.e. hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis; serotonergic, dopaminergic and noradrenergic systems. Depression might be caused by relational issues. Bereavement is among the most traumatizing, painful and gut wrenching experience a person will ever face. Grieving people often undergo various states during this period (regret, loneliness, withdrawal, intrusive images, depression, unhappiness, a feeling of being overwhelmed and depersonalization. These characteristics displayed by the patient made the diagnosis from settling on anemia, thyroiditis and insomnia. At first, the feelings of grief may seem to be forgotten. But, with time they evolve into bursts of depression which are brought about by the reminders of the dead/deceased (Astrid,
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Essay on Barack Obama Leadership
Essay on Barack Obama Leadership Choose an example of a successful leader from the public/political or private sphere; and explain why s/he is a good example of leadership personified. Support your claim and bolster your argument with the theories and concepts in the text and lectures. Be sure to use facts, statistics, figures, and academic or scholarly articles to support your claims INTRODUCTION Leadership is the art of motivating or inspiring a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. A leader steps up in times of crisis, and is able to think and act creatively in difficult situations. There are numerous leaders out there who have been successful in leading a group of people, an organization or the general public. Functions of a leader includes: Engaging followers, integrating them, catering to their needs, aspirations, and goals in a common organization while making them better citizens, followers and leaders. (Simmons, 2008). A good example that fits this category of leadership is Barack Obama. Barack Obama was catapulted into national prominence, in part, because of his skill at building bonds of empathy with supporters from a seemingly impossibly broad political base (Noble , 2009). Conservatives marveled at his use of language and metaphors that resonated with their core beliefs, while Liber als and progressives believed that the rise to prominence of a self-identified African American with impeccable civil rights credentials represented a triumph for their own core agenda (Noble , 2009). This paper will focus on the leadership of Barack Obama; how he made history and was able to lead the country during the time of crisis. Furthermore, the theoretical standpoints of postmodernism and transformational leadership will be implemented to discuss some of the reasons he was successful as a leader. BIOGRAPHY Barack Obama was born in 1961 to a father from Kenya and a mother from Kansas. He was raised with the help of his grandfather, who served in Pattons army, and his grandmother, who worked her way up from the secretarial pool to middle management at a bank (Luce 2008). After working his way through college with the help of scholarships and student loans, he moved to Chicago, where he worked with a group of churches to help rebuild communities devastated by the closure of local steel plants. After that, he went on to attend law school, where he became the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review (Luce, 2008). After graduation, he returned to Chicago to help lead a voter registration drive, teach constitutional law at the University of Chicago, and remain active in his community. Barack Obamas years of public service are based around his unwavering belief in the ability to unite people around a politics of purpose. In the Illinois State Senate, he passed the fir st major ethics reform in 25 years, cut taxes for working families, and expanded health care for children and their parents (Luce, 2008). As a United States Senator, he reached across the aisle to pass ground-breaking lobbying reform, lock up the worlds most dangerous weapons, and bring transparency to government by putting federal spending online (Luce, 2008). HISTORIC ELECTION November 4, 2008 was an historic day for Americans, as they celebrated the election of Barack Obama as the 44th President. The election was the longest presidential campaign and the most expensive in history (Green Roberts, 2012). Moreover, the historic event marked the first time that two US senators ran against each other. New York Senator Hilary Clinton was the first serious female presidential candidate, while Senator Barak Obama was the first African American nominated by a major party for president. For the Republican Party, Arizona Senator John McCain had hoped to become the oldest person elected president to a first term in America. His running mate Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was the first woman vice president candidate for the Republican Party (Green Roberts, 2012). The whole presidential race was full of historic moments and it was an election like no other. During the historical presidential race, the media and other experts would often discuss whether a multiracial candidate could win. Some observers argued that Obama may not win because of his racial background. Conversely, other observers viewed him as a post-racial candidate (Green Roberts, 2012). Other opponents mentioned that Obama was too inexperienced, untested, and unready to become the president. Nevertheless, his political savvy, innovative election strategy, and charismatic personality was enough to make him victorious. The former Senator has managed to inspire astonishing numbers of people from different races (Black, White, Latino, Asian etc.) with his wisdom, optimism, wit, and exuberance. In one of his speech that took place on 27 July 2004 at the Democratic National Convention in Boston he spoke of his belief that, Theres not a liberal America and a conservative America, theres the United States of America. Theres not a Black America and White America and Latino America and Asian America; theres the United States of America. (Noble , 2009). TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP After the end of George Bushs presidential reign, the American people had grown tired of the same political atmosphere. Voters wanted something new that could bring change to the country. Transformational leadership places intrinsic motivation on their followers, thereby creating a massive appeal to supporters (Green Roberts, 2012). Bass and Riggio (2005) suggested that transformational leadership assist followers to grow and develop into leaders by responding to individual followers needs, by empowering them, and aligning the goals of the individual followers. Transformational leaders possess the personal characteristics of other effective leaders, especially charismatic leaders (Dubrin, 2013). Transformational leaders who possess a clear and compelling vision can impose their views of reality on followers violating the foundational principle of individual and collective knowledge creation autonomy characteristic of the postmodern value system (Green Roberts, 2012). During the 200 8 presidential election, there was a strong desire by many citizens for change in leadership. There were a number of things that needed to be fixed such as, the imploded housing market and the collapse of the economy. The bush administration achieved one of the lowest approval ratings in history (Green Roberts, 2012). During the presidential election, there was a cry for change. Young voters wanted a leader who inspires and possesses a clear vision. This was exactly what Barack Obama did as a leader. He captured the young voters attention and gave the American people the change theyve been longing for. He is a good example of a transformational leader. LEADING DURING CRISIS Barack Obama got sworn into office during the time of an economic crisis. The country was undergoing a recession but nonetheless, he came into office ready to take action. One of his first priorities after getting into office was to tackle the financial crisis. His stimulus package and some of the carryover from the Bush administration pushed money into the economy when it was needed the most. His auto bailout gave manufacturing a lifeline (GM, Chrysler, Ford), and his support for credit starved banks, slowed down the spread of subprime contagion (Barmak, Beer, Brearto, Castaldo, Cowan, 2012). Even though some believe he did not make the economic life better in his first four years in office, he certainly prevented it from getting much worse. And on re-election day, voters rewarded him for that. According to exit polls, more than half of voters still blamed George W. Bush for the sluggish economy. Only 38% blamed the president (Barack Obama). Surprisingly, four in ten people told po llsters they believed the economy was getting better. Among that cohort, 88% sided with Obama (Barmak, Beer, Brearto, Castaldo, Cowan, 2012). In the last full quarter before the second election, real GDP in the U.S. grew at a slow rate of 1.3% and Joblessness remained very high. No sitting president had ever won re-election with unemployment above 7.4% in the months leading up to a vote (Barmak, Beer, Brearto, Castaldo, Cowan, 2012), but Barack Obama was able to pull it off. During his second and most recent presidential campaign, Obama argued that the only solution to Americas deficit problem was a mixture of increased revenues and lowered spending. In contrast, Mitt Romney consistently maintained that he could eliminate the deficit without raising taxes. He even promised to cut them below their current rates. Mitt Romneys plan was not realistic and his political agendas were rather inconsistent. Obamas plan was a far more realistic approach. By promising to increase marg inal rates on the very wealthy-essentially by allowing some Bush tax cuts to expire-Obama offered a path that, while not perfect, at least heads in the direction of future deficit reduction (Barmak, Beer, Brearto, Castaldo, Cowan, 2012). POSTMODERNISM According to research, younger generation in the United States and throughout the developed world now possess a more postmodern and post-materialist value system. For the first time in American history, there are four generations co-existing in the workplace. Which are, the Greatest Generation (1922-1945), the Baby Boomer (1946-1964), Generation X (1965-1980), and Millennial (1981-2000) groups (Green Roberts, 2012). It became clear that Obamas campaign communication methods and message appealed to the Millennias sense of community involvement. Barack Obama used the opportunity to connect with his generation and the younger voters population. The Bush administration was not able to meet the new set of values and expectations that the millennial generation is driven by. Some core postmodern traits include challenging authority, attacking conventional wisdom, tolerating ambiguity, accepting diversity, and building constructive reality (Green Roberts, 2012). Consequently, postmodernist s find themselves distrustful of institutions and hard facts. Baby Boomers leadership style is characterized by an autocratic mentality while Millennial are governed by a democratic approach (Green Roberts, 2012). These divergent generational leadership traits inspire some followers while inhibiting others. It is important for a leader (Presidential Candidate) to understand the cultural differences of this postmodern generation in order to win them over as followers/supporters. For example, Barack Obamas inclusiveness regarding the issue of religion was consistent with postmodern assumptions that reject mutually exclusive truth claims (Green Roberts, 2012). He was also able to connect with the younger generation through the internet (e.g. twitter) and was successful in getting more than the usual amount of youths to go out and vote for him. Therefore, one may conclude that Obamas understanding of post-modernism and all the cultural differences of the new generation made a big diff erence for his campaign and contributed to his success as a historic leader. CONCLUSION To summarize in short, Barack Obamas knowledge of postmodernism and his appeal to the different cultural groups across America (Blacks, Latino, Whites and other races) are some of what contributed to his success as a leader. He is a good example of a transformational leader. Barack Obama was catapulted into national prominence, in part, because of his skill at building bonds of empathy with supporters from a seemingly impossibly broad political base. His charisma, honesty and wit made him a unique leader. He believed in the slogan of Change which was what the American people wanted after the Bush administration left office. He was also able to connect with the younger generation through his savvy communication methods and through the internet which got more than the usual amount of the younger generation to go out and vote. This paper analysed the leadership of Barack Obama; how he made history and led the country during the time of crisis. It also incorporated the theoretical standp oints of postmodernism and transformational leadership to discuss some of the reasons why he was successful as a leader. His leadership during the time of crisis was also touched upon with some credible statistical data to back it up.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Romeo and Juliet Dramatic Effects
Analyse the dramatic importance of Act 3 Scene 5. Act 3 scene 5 is of huge dramatic importance as it is pivotal to the plot of the play. Act 3 scene 5 takes place the morning after Romeo and Juliet have spent their first night together following their marriage. In the first part of the scene, they are very happy and also very romantic as Romeo says â€Å"How are you, my love? †This shows that Romeo cares for Juliet and it also shows how much love, Romeo has just been banished from Verona for killing Tybalt and is preparing to leave.This makes Juliet very upset as they haven’t even spent a day together. The nurse comes to warn them that Juliet’s mother is coming to see her to discuss her marriage to Paris. After Romeo has left, Juliet bursts into tears. When Lady Capulet arrives, Juliet cries even more but Lady Capulet thinks she is crying because of her cousin’s death. Lord Capulet explodes with anger when he hears that Juliet disagrees with the marriage. The nurse unexpectedly advises her to marry Paris. The key themes highlighted in this scene are: happiness, love, parental conflict, anger and sadness.In this scene we learn a great deal about the characters of: Romeo, Juliet, Capulet, Lady Capulet and the nurse. In the previous scene Romeo and Juliet get married and the Montagues and the Capulets have a fight which leads to the deaths of Mercutio and Tybalt. Romeo is banished from Verona for murdering Tybalt because Tybalt has murdered Mercutio. Lady Capulet seems to support and comfort her daughter, but when Juliet argues and shouts she simply hands it over to Lord Capulet who will control Juliet. In the time of Shakespeare the men were in charge of the house and the children so the audience would have agreed to the play.Lady Capulet thinks that she can control Juliet, so she informs her of the marriage that has already been arranged. She seems very concerned about Juliet but she cannot control her herself and threatens Juliet â €Å"here comes your father. Tell him so yourself, and see how he will take it at your hands†. She means I will not say anything so see what your father has to say. In the previous scenes she was very quiet and innocent but in this scene she changes from being quiet into a very loud character which reveals her true nature.The Nurse is a very caring character and understands Juliet’s problems but in this scene she disagrees with Juliet as she advises her to marry Paris when she is aware that she has already been married to Romeo. This disheartens Juliet so much as she is the only person who she trusted. The Nurse says â€Å"I think the best thing to do is to marry the count†as if she is speaking to someone she doesn’t know. Juliet relies on her so much that she is shocked when she hears such a thing come out of the Nurse’s mouth. Juliet declares â€Å"from now on I will never tell what I feel in my heart†.She also doesn’t say this stra ight to her face as the Nurse would start avoiding her which would please her parents and lead to Juliet getting into more trouble. The Nurse tries to persuade Juliet of Paris’ superiority and believes â€Å"Romeo’s a dishclout to him†. The image of the dishcloth indicates that Romeo is not worthy of Juliet. This makes Juliet furious because it was originally the Nurse who reported positively about Romeo. In this scene the Nurse is ambivalent because she supports Juliet when Lord Capulet explodes with anger as Juliet refuses to marry Paris.In previous scenes the Nurse is very supportive and thinks of Juliet as her own daughter when she says â€Å"What, lamb! What, ladybird! †, but in this scene she changes from supporting Juliet to letting her down when she asks for her advice. Lord Capulet is a very strong character throughout the play but he does care about Juliet as he claims that he will not do anything against his daughter’s will but in this s cene he orders her to â€Å"go to church on Thursday or never look me in the face again.Don’t say anything. Don’t reply. Don’t talk back to me†. This quote would be very aggressive when said in the play as he is saying it with aggression and anger. Which shows that the old Capulet has gone. In this scene, generally, everyone shows their bad side as it is now getting serious about Juliet’s wedding. In this scene Capulet uses metaphors such as â€Å"when the sun sets, the air drizzles dew. But at the death of my brother’s son, it rains a down pour. What are you, girl? Some kind of fountain? he is comparing the downpour and the amount of tears that Juliet is producing and he is also trying to express that Juliet is not crying for her cousins death but crying for her husband Romeo. He also slams her on the floor while she begs on her knees and as he is not aware that Juliet is already married he repeatedly tells her to marry but the audience kn ows that if she marries she will go to hell as there is a sin if she marries again. This scene would have been very dramatic and sad as the audience would have felt sorry for her.By Capulet doing this creates a feeling of tension and pressure for Juliet as she is begging him. From the audience’s point of view, Juliet is very innocent but Capulet refers to her as a â€Å"disobedient wretch†. This shows the amount he cares he takes for his daughter. If this were to happen in today’s society maybe he would be prosecuted for child abuse. Later in the play Juliet pretends to agree to the marriage but nobody is aware of that. Friar Lawrence gives her a potion that she will have before the night of the wedding so that she will fall into a deep sleep and wake up after 12 hours.Act 3 scene 5 is one of the most dramatic scenes in the play. This scene leads to many misconceptions as the Friar Lawrence was supposed to inform Romeo of the plans but Romeo didn’t get th e message. But he got the news that Juliet had died. Act 3 scene 5 reveals most of the characters’ true natures. This scene is important as this is the scene that leads to the death of Romeo and Juliet and also it reveals the Nurses’ real character as she didn’t really understand the true love of Romeo and Juliet. All of the characters undergo a dramatic change in how they behave in this scene.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Want to Know More About Expository Essay Topics for Junior High?
Want to Know More About Expository Essay Topics for Junior High? To begin with, you should secure the significance of the expository essay definition and decide on the topic you understand well or at least find it interesting to find out more about. Thanks to the correct selection of presentation style and a thorough understanding of the goals you need to accomplish in your essay, there are many categories essay themes may be broken into. If you're likely to be writing this kind of essay over and over again, you want to know how to compose a good one. Every essay has an identical structure, and you may never fail if your paper has a good introduction, a coherent primary body and a concise conclusion. Very often it becomes hard to choose a single topic either due to the many ideas in the student's head, or due to their complete absence. Tell how you clean your hair. Put simply, everything would be contingent on verifiable fact an expository essay. Don't neglect to bring a strong hook at the beginning (introduction paragraph) and wind up with an impressive conclusion to earn the reader want to talk about the interesting persuasive essay topics of your selection. Get ready to apply sequential, spatial, topical, and lots other patterns to produce your story interesting and detailed. Bear in mind which you want to reveal the best about yourself. If you don't like your paper topic, it's very likely to be boring and you'll have a difficult time seeking to put things together. Then the next step is going to be to find out more about the expository essay structure. Quite simply, it's a guide on how best to do something. The Good, the Bad and Expository Essay Topics for Junior High Teens also have far more accidents. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. Are many junior high school and divide it's a way that's logical. Imagine your school does not own a school newspaper. Most middle school students avoid brainstorming sessions and begin searching for sample topics when they get the assignment. A topic tips for high school year! Categories, essay topics could possibly be divided into. Third, selecting an intriguing topic is a crucial skill that you need to master to have a high grade. Each expository essay is going to have definite objective. Creating expository essays is part of your middle school career, and that means you ought to learn how to compose them properly. Try to remember, an ideas which are topic writing was designed in life every one of your preferred subject. Once you comprehend the kind of essay, it's time to choose a topic. To write on an expository essay, you'll need to analyze and investigate the info and the arguments too, in a crystal clear and precise method. There are dozens and dozens of compellin g topics out there which can be meticulously explored, but choosing one that you're interested in would allow it to be a small bit easier and more fun. There are several methods about how to compose an expository essay. The majority of the moment, expository essays are presented by offering a selection of topics and methods to bring up the idea. There are lots of expository essay topics to select from. They may be selected by a student as inquiry. When you're assigned to compose an expository essay, the very first thing you will have to know is the way to write it. Most writing you are going to have to do in your professional life will involve a good deal of expository content too. Pretend that you're a time traveler. From its name, you might guess that you ought to have a very clear picture of a specific thing as a way to give your reader with a very clear and concise explanation.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
President Abraham Lincoln Delivered One Of The Most Famous...
November 19, 1863 was the day when at the time President Abraham Lincoln delivered one of the most famous speeches in the American History. Lincolns brief but was powerful, Gettysburg Address described the United States as being a pivotal crossroads. While Lincoln credited with creating the â€Å"Government of the People, by the people,†it was really for the older countries. A while after Lincoln was invited to make a few remarks at a ceremony consecrating a new cemetery for the Union Soldiers. That honor went to Edward Everett who was an academic and popular orator at the time. Everett spoke before Lincoln delivering a 13,607 word also 2-hour long speech. Edward Everett was an American politician, Pastor, editor, diplomat, and orator from Massassatchess. Between March and July of 1865, five more states ratified. The last four States to ratify did so in November and December. Georgia was the last state to ratify on December 6, 1865. November 1863, Lincoln came to Gettysburg to dedicate a portion of the battlefield as a military cemetery. In the Gettysburg Address, in less time than it took Senator Ted Cruz to read Green Eggs and Ham, President Lincoln summed up and redefined the meaning of our Constitutional Heritage of Liberty and equality for all people. The Gettysburg Address became one of the best-known orations in American history. Banning slavery in United States narrowly passed the House of Representatives and was sent to the State for ratification. Congress of theShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes A Great Speech So Memorable?1091 Words  | 5 PagesSophie Rice explores with reference to two famous speeches from the last 200 years, The Gettysburg Address and Eulogy for Princess Diana, and the rhetorical techniques used within to portray their messages. As stated by Nathaniel Hawthorne, ‘Words – so innocent and powerless as they are†¦,how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them.’ To this day, perhaps one of the most famous and powerful speeches is Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. Similarly, EarlRead More Abraham Lincoln Essay1625 Words  | 7 PagesAbraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in a log cabin in Hardin Kentucky. His father Thomas Lincoln was a carpenter and farmer who was always very poor. Both of his parents were members of a Baptist congregation which had split from another church because of its views against slavery. This is where Abe first developed his own opposition to slavery. When Abe was nine the family moved to Spencer, Indiana, and his mother Nancy died from milk sickness. Milk sickness wasRead More Passion for Equality Essay722 Words  | 3 PagesPassion for Equality With America struggling in a state of Civil War, the nations very core was being shaken. Abraham Lincoln, who was president during this period, realized this, and delivered one of his most historically renowned speeches, quot;The Gettysburg Addressquot;. This speech addresses many concerns for the nation as a whole. Through quot;The Gettysburg Addressquot;, Lincoln clearly states his views on what the country once was, how it was during the time he was in, and what his hopesRead MoreLincolns Emancipation Proclamation Essay1447 Words  | 6 PagesAbraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 to April 14, 1865) was the 16th president of the United States and is regarded as one of America s greatest heroes due to his role as savior of the Union and emancipator of the slaves. His rise from humble beginnings to achieving the highest office in the land is a remarkable story. He was suddenly and tragically assassinated at a time when his country needed him to complete the great task remaining befor e the nation. His eloquence of democracy and insistence thatRead MoreCompare and Contrast Any Two Public Figure1717 Words  | 7 PagesAbraham Lincoln was the 16th president as Martin Luther King Jr was not any president. The races are also different. Mr Luther King Jr was black himself so he was the one being affected in his time. Abraham Lincoln just noticed how horrible it must feel to be used as a slave. Martin Luther King, Jr., was a civil rights leader, an author, a minister, and an orator. Born in Atlanta, Georgia, to a middle-class family, King spent most of his career advocating for civil rights and protesting AmericanRead MoreEssay about The Gettysburg Address and American Revival1729 Words  | 7 PagesThe Gettysburg Address is without a doubt one of the most famous speeches in American history. However, at the time, it was simply an uplifting, motivational speech by the sitting president as part of a ceremony dedicating the Gettysburg Battlefield as a National Cemetery. Now, it is viewed as an historic address delivered by one of the greatest presidents and orators to ever live, Abraham Lincoln. It has also become the benchmark for speeches today and is the subject of many articles, talks,Read MoreAbraham Lincoln essay paper1569 Words  | 7 PagesAbraham Lincoln Perhaps you are impressed by President George Washington or you are inspired by Tim Tebow. Maybe you want to swoop from building to building like Spiderman or care for orphans like Mother Teresa. Many people are heroes or can be someones hero. My Hero is Abraham Lincoln because he inspires me to always tell the truth and stand up for things that may not be popular, but are just. There are many qualities of a hero that fit Abraham Lincoln. Some include that the hero must have aRead MoreA Brief Biography on Abraham Lincoln Essay1132 Words  | 5 PagesAbraham Lincoln â€Å"Abraham Lincoln caught the publics attention for a long time as he presented a great role model for all Americans. Even today, almost all political conversation mentions him as his achievements have spoken for him (Samuels,2012).†As an illustration, there are thousands of books, articles and web pages which talks about Lincoln and his own extra ordinary life achievements. â€Å"Lincoln was born in 1809 in small hut located on a farm called Skining Spring Farm in Hardin County, KentuckyRead MoreAbraham Lincoln and the Gettysburg Address1685 Words  | 7 PagesAbraham Lincoln and the Gettysburg Address History remembers Abraham Lincoln as one of the greatest leaders. He has made many significant contributions to the history of the United States and is considered one of the greatest presidents. He sacrificed himself for what he believed in, even if it meant starting a war against his own country. He believed in equality for everyone and that all men were created equal. As president he is best remembered for leading the Union through the Civil WarRead MoreEssay on The Arguments of the Gettysburg Address851 Words  | 4 PagesThe Gettysburg Address is one of the most famous speeches in American history. The History Place indicates that on November 19, 1863 President Abraham Lincoln went to a battle field positioned in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania where three dreadful days of battle occurred called the Battle of Gettysburg. While he was attending the battle field to dedicate it as a national cemetery, he read his speech to the public. After the main orator, Edward Everett of Massachus etts, delivered his speech that lasted about
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